85. Potentilla simulatrix Th. Wolf, Biblioth. Bot. 16(Heft 71): 663. 1908.
等齿委陵菜 deng chi wei ling cai
Herbs perennial, stoloniferous. Roots slender, much branched. Stolons slender, 15–30 cm, together with petioles pubescent and villous, usually with adventitious roots at base. Radical leaves 3–10 cm including long, slender petiole; stipules submembranous, densely pilose; leaf blade 3-foliolate; leaflets subsessile, green on both surfaces, cuneate-obovate, oblong-obovate, or subrhomboid, central one ca. 2 cm, lateral ones shorter with strongly oblique base, abaxially somewhat densely appressed pilose especially on veins, adaxially sparsely pilose or glabrescent, margin coarsely crenate-dentate, sometimes somewhat deeply incised, apex hardly prominent; teeth broadly ovate or oblong, apex rounded or shortly apiculate; stolon leaves similar to radical ones but petiole shorter and leaf blade gradually smaller higher up stem; stipules ovate or oblong and entire on lower leaves, often larger and dentate or 2–5-fid on upper leaves. Flower solitary, axillary, 0.7–1 cm in diam.; pedicel slender, 1.5–3 cm, pubescent and pilose. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, apex acute; epicalyx segments oblong-elliptic, nearly equaling or rarely slightly longer than sepals, abaxially pilose, apex obtuse or acute. Petals yellow, obovate, longer than sepals, apex emarginate or rounded. Style subterminal, thin at base; stigma dilated. Achenes inconspicuously rugose. Fl. and fr. Apr–Oct.
Stream sides in damp forests; 300--2200 m. Gansu, Hebei, Nei Mongol, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan.