13. Sida javensis Cavanilles, Diss. 1: 10. 1785.
爪哇黄花稔 zhao wa huang hua ren
Sida veronicifolia Lamarck var. javensis (Cavanilles) E. G. Baker.
Herbs procumbent, 50-70 cm tall, rooting at nodes. Stems, petiole, and pedicels subglabrous or sparsely stellate strigose, sometimes sparsely pilose. Stipule subulate, ca. 2 mm; petiole 1-3 cm; leaf blade ovate or subcordate, sometimes obscurely 3-lobed, 1-3 × 1-2 cm, abaxially stellate strigose, adaxially sparsely strigose, base subcordate, margin dentate, apex obtuse. Flower solitary, axillary, mostly subterminal. Pedicel 2-2.5(-3.5) cm. Calyx 4-5 mm, sparsely pilose with long hairs. Corolla yellow; petals slightly longer than sepals. Filament tube glabrous. Schizocarp globose, ca. 3 mm in diam.; mericarps 5, segmentiform with sharp angles, ca. 2.5 mm, smooth, minutely hairy apically, with 2 tightly convergent awns to 1.5 mm, side walls thin, partly disintegrating.
Taiwan [Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines; ?Africa].
This species is similar to Sida cordata; differences found in this species are the much sparser, not viscid, indumentum on the stems, stems that root adventitiously at the nodes, the glabrous filament tube, and the 2-awned mericarps.
Borssum Waalkes (Blumea 14: 184-186. 1964) recognized two SubSpe, subsp. javensis, which is found in China, and subsp. expilosa Borssum Waalkes, presumed to be native to the West Indies but also found in Indonesia and the Philippines. The latter SubSpe is distinguished by its unlobed (vs. ± 3-lobed) leaf blades, shorter pedicels and calyx, and presence of simple hairs intermixed with the stellate hairs.