13. Tongoloa dunnii (H. de Boissieu) H. Wolff in Engler, Pflanzenr. 90(IV. 228): 317. 1927.
宜昌东俄芹 yi chang dong e qin
Pimpinella dunnii H. de Boissieu, Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 3: 841. 1903 ["dunni"]; Peucedanum giraldii Diels.
Plants 50–70 cm. Taproot brown, short. Stem several-branched. Lower petioles 7–18 cm, sheaths oblong, 1.3–3 cm, membranous and clasping; blade broadly triangular, 2–3-pinnate; pinnae 4–5 pairs, short-petiolulate; ultimate segments elongate-linear, 2–4.5 cm × 1.5–3 mm, entire. Umbels 5–10 cm across; bracts and bracteoles absent; rays 7–17, 3–6 cm; umbellules 10–25-flowered. Calyx teeth minute, ovate or triangular-ovate. Petals long-elliptic to obovate, white or greenish, 1.2–2 × ca. 1 mm, apex obtuse-acute. Young fruit broad-ovoid to cordate, ca. 1.5 mm (mature fruit unknown). Fl. Jun.
Forests; 2000–4000 m. Hubei, Sichuan, SE Xizang.
This distinctive but poorly known species is recorded only from a few collections. It has reputed medicinal value (in Xizang).
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