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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 14 | Ericaceae | Agapetes

33. Agapetes camelliifolia S. H. Huang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 25: 318. 1987.

茶叶树萝卜 cha ye shu luo bo

Shrubs to 30 cm tall. Twigs terete, 1–2 mm in diam., densely dark brown setose. Leaves scattered; petiole 2–3 mm, glabrous; leaf blade pale abaxially, green adaxially, elliptic, 3.5–5 × 1.5–2.3 cm, leathery, glabrous, secondary veins 4 or 5 pairs with fine veins slightly raised abaxially, impressed adaxially, base broadly cuneate or obtuse, margin slightly revolute, remotely inconspicuously serrate, apex shortly acuminate. Flowers unknown. Fruit solitary, axillary. Pedicel ca. 1.3 cm, glabrous, expanded apically. Immature berry shortly cylindric, ca. 3 mm in diam.; persistent calyx lobes triangular, ca. 2.5 mm, glabrous. Fr. Apr.

Forests, epiphytic on trees; ca. 2200 m. SE Xizang (Mêdog).


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