27. Gaultheria trichophylla Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 260. 1835.
刺毛白珠 ci mao bai zhu
Brossea trichophylla (Royle) O. Kuntze; Gaultheria nana C. Y. Wu & T. Z. Hsu.
Shrubs dwarf, prostrate, much branched below. Twigs terete, wiry, brown hirsute. Leaves dense; petiole very short, ca. 0.5 mm; leaf blade elliptic or elliptic-oblong, 5–13 × 2–5 mm, leathery, glabrous, rarely abaxially scattered hispidulous on midvein, secondary and fine veins inconspicuous, both ends obtuse to acute, margin inconspicuously crenulate, usually long ciliate when mature. Flowers solitary, axillary. Pedicel 1–2 mm or flower subsessile; bracts absent; bracteoles 2, apical, broadly ovate, ca. 2 mm, leathery, glabrous. Calyx glabrous; lobes ovate-oblong, 2–2.8 mm, ciliolate. Corolla white, campanulate, ca. 6 mm, deeply 5-lobed, glabrous; lobes erect, oblong, 2–3 mm. Stamens ca. 2 mm; filaments spindle-shaped; thecae 1- or 2-awned. Ovary glabrous. Calyx at fruiting blue, fleshy; capsule 6–10 mm in diam., glabrous. Fl. Jun, fr. Jul–Sep.
Mountain slopes, alpine windswept moorlands, montane grasslands, rocky places, stony soils; 3000–4700 m. C and W Sichuan, S Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, NE India (?Assam, Darjiling), Kashmir, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim].