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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 14 | Ericaceae | Rhododendron

39. Rhododendron dendrocharis Franchet, Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 33: 233. 1886.

树生杜鹃 shu sheng du juan

Shrubs, often epiphytic, 0.5–0.7 m tall; branches thin and short; young shoots scaly, densely brown-hispid. Petiole scaly, hispid; leaf blade thickly leathery, elliptic, 0.9–1.8 × 0.3–1 cm; base broadly cuneate to blunt; apex obtuse, apiculate; abaxial surface scales dense, ca. 1 × their own diameter apart, small, unequal, brown; adaxial surface with a very short-lived brown-hispid indumentum. Inflorescence terminal, cymose, 1- or 2-flowered. Pedicel 0.2–0.5 cm, scaly, densely hispid; calyx lobes 5, 2–3 mm, ovate, sparsely scaly; corolla broadly funnelform, fresh rosy red, with deep red markings inside tube, 1.5–2.5 cm, outer surface glabrous, inner surface of tube pubescent; stamens 10, unequal, 1.2–1.5 cm, shorter than corolla; filaments densely pubescent in lower half; ovary 5-locular, densely scaly; style slender, erect or curved, shorter than corolla, shorter or slightly longer than stamens; base densely pubescent. Capsule ovate or cylindric, 10–13 mm. Fl. Apr–Jun, fr. Sep–Oct.

Epiphytic on Abies, Tsuga, or broad-leaved trees; 2600–3000 m. Sichuan.


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