405. Rhododendron griersonianum I. B. Balfour & Forrest, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 11: 69. 1919.
朱红大杜鹃 zhu hong da du juan
Shrubs, ca. 1.3 m tall; bark rough, branches straight, ca. 4 mm in diam. below inflorescence; young shoots glandular-setulose and woolly-tomentose. Petiole purple, 10–25 mm, glandular-setulose and tomentose; leaf blade leathery, narrowly elliptic, or lanceolate, 7.5–14 × 2–3.5 cm; base obtuse; margin revolute; apex acute or acuminate; abaxial surface densely whitish or pale brown woolly-tomentose, midrib glandular and tomentose; adaxial surface dull green, glabrous or glabrescent at maturity, midrib glandular-setose towards base; midrib raised abaxially, grooved adaxially; lateral veins 12–18-paired. Inflorescence 5–12-flowered; rachis 10–30 mm, densely tomentose and glandular-setulose. Pedicel 1.5–3 cm, tomentose, glandular-setulose; calyx 2–3 mm, tomentose and glandular; corolla tubular, funnelform or funnel-campanulate, deep rose-crimson to scarlet, 5–7 cm, inner surface puberulent, outer surface densely hairy; lobes 5; stamens 10, 2.8–3.5 cm, filaments puberulent in lower two-thirds; ovary conoid, ca. 6 mm, densely dendroid-hairy, glandular; style glandular at base. Capsule cylindric, ca. 23 × 8–9 mm, persistently tomentose. Fl. May–Jun, fr. Mar of next year.
Mixed forests, thickets; 1600–2700 m. W Yunnan [Myanmar].
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