181. Primula advena W. W. Smith, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 19: 311. 1938.
折瓣雪山报春 zhe ban xue shan bao chun
Herbs perennial, base with bud scales and withered leaves. Leaves forming a rosette; petiole broadly winged, usually slightly shorter than leaf blade; leaf blade oblanceolate to obovate, 6--15 X 2--5 cm, efarinose or farinose along margin abaxially, base attenuate, margin dentate to serrate-dentate, apex acute to obtuse. Scapes to 50 cm, scarcely farinose toward apex; umbels 1--3, superimposed, 5--12-flowered; bracts sublinear, 0.5--1.5 cm, margin usually farinose. Pedicel 1--3(--4) cm, efarinose or occasionally farinose. Flowers heterostylous. Calyx green or tinged with purple, tubular-campanulate, 1--1.1 cm, parted to middle; lobes lanceolate, apex acute. Corolla yellow or purple; tube 1.4--1.7 cm; lobes oblong, 7--10 X ca. 3 mm, strongly reflexed. Thrum flowers: stamens 1--1.1 cm above base of corolla tube; style ca. 3 mm. Capsule slightly longer than calyx.
* In rock crevices, thickets, damp meadows; 4000--4600 m. E Xizang
Lower Taxa
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