14. Primula ambita I. B. Balfour, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh. 26: 325. 1915.
圆回报春 yuan hui bao chun
Primula flavicans Handel-Mazzetti.
Herbs perennial. Rhizomes woody, producing 1 to several leaf rosettes. Leaves forming a rosette; petiole ca. as long as leaf blade, 3--12 cm, with dense tangled hairs, vaginate at base; leaf blade broadly ovate to reniform or oblong-rotund, 2--10 cm wide, abaxially spreading pubescent along veins, adaxially sparsely pilose, base cordate, sinuate to sublobulate, apex rounded; lobules hydathode-denticulate, ciliate. Scapes to 20 cm, with dense multicellular hairs; umbels compact, many flowered; bracts lanceolate to obovate, 8--10 X 1.5--3(--5) mm, apex acute to acuminate. Pedicel 0.8--1.5 cm, densely pilose. Flowers heterostylous. Calyx broadly campanulate, 7--9 mm, pubescent, parted to ca. 1/4; lobes triangular, apex hydathode-apiculate. Corolla yellow; tube 8--10 mm, ± pubescent outside; limb 8--10 mm wide; lobes oblong to rectangular-obovate, emarginate. Pin flowers: stamens at middle of corolla tube; style nearly as long as tube. Thrum flowers with positions reciprocal. Capsule globose, included in calyx. Fl. Jun-Jul.
* Wet areas near streams and ditches; 2000--2700 m. C Yunnan.
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