256. Primula occlusa W. W. Smith, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh. 33: 263. 1942.
扇叶小报春 shan ye xiao bao chun
Herbs perennial. Leaves forming rosettes, 1.5--2.5 cm in diam. Petiole narrowly winged, usually shorter than leaf blade; leaf blade flabelliform to suborbicular, 6--15 X 2--7 mm, abaxially pubescent along veins, usually efarinose, adaxially scabrous-pubescent, base short attenuate, margin dentate in upper 1/2, apex rounded. Scapes 3.5--5 cm, densely minutely glandular and scarcely farinose toward apex, 1- or 2-(or 3)-flowered; bracts 2 or 3, broadly ovate, 3--3.5 mm, often deeply dentate at apex. Flowers sessile, heterostylous. Calyx campanulate, 4--4.5 mm, glandular outside, parted to middle; lobes ovate to oblong, apex rounded to apiculate. Corolla purplish mauve, violet, or purple, with a white eye; tube 7--8 mm; throat obscured by a projecting tuft of white hairs; limb 7--10 mm wide; lobes obovate, deeply emarginate. Pin flowers: stamens slightly below middle of corolla tube; style scarcely as long as tube. Thrum flowers with positions reciprocal. Capsule cylindric, ca. as long as calyx. Fl. Jul.
* Banks, hillsides, grassy cliff edges; ca. 5000 m. SE Xizang
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