33. Diospyros corallina Chun & L. Chen, Sunyatsenia. 3: 120. 1936.
五蒂柿 wu di shi
Trees to 8 m tall. Branchlets of current year slender, yellowish green, becoming blackish brown. Winter buds conical, ca. 2 mm. Petiole 5--8 mm; leaf blade oblong, 15--20 X 5--8 cm, thinly leathery, base broadly cuneate and sometimes with 2--4 small sunken glands, apex acute to shortly acuminate, lateral veins 8--10 per side and slightly raised on both surfaces, reticulate veinlets slightly raised and almost invisible. Flowers not seen. Fruit solitary, subsessile. Fruiting calyx ca. 2 cm in diam., leathery when dry; lobes (4 or)5, broadly triangular-ovate, apex obtuse. Berries red, depressed globose, ca. 2 cm in diam., 8-locular, apex cuspidate. Seeds blackish brown, elliptic-oblong, 1--1.2 cm. Fr. Oct.
* Evergreen broadleaved mixed forests in ravines. Hainan (Yai Xian).
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