16. Diospyros fengii C. Y. Wu in C. Y. Wu & H. W. Li, Yunnan Redai Yaredai Zhiwu Quxi Yanjiu Baogao (Rep. Stud. Pl. Trop. Subtrop. Yunnan). 1: 19. 1965.
老君柿 lao jun shi
Trees to 8 m tall. Branches dark green, glabrous; branchlets brown, slightly tawny puberulous or glabrescent. Petiole ca. 7 mm; leaf blade oblanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 8--11.5 X 3--4.3 cm, ± leathery, abaxially pale green becoming reddish brown, adaxially glossy olivaceous becoming grayish brown, base cuneate, apex acuminate, midrib adaxially sparsely puberulous, lateral veins 5--8 per side, inconspicuous; reticulate veinlets slightly raised, almost invisible. Flowers not seen. Fruit at base of branchlets, fruiting pedicel ca. 2 mm, rust colored puberulous. Fruiting calyx flat, ± square to somewhat star-shaped, 7--8 mm wide, rust-colored puberulous on both surfaces; lobes 4, triangular. Berry green, 2.5--3 cm in diam., glabrous. Seeds 4, glossy dark olive-brown, laterally compressed, ca. 12--14 X 6.5--7 mm. Fr. Oct.
* Mixed forests; 1300--1500 m. Yunnan (Malipo Xian).
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