8. Syringa pubescens Turczaninow, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou. 13: 73. 1840.
巧玲花 qiao ling hua
Shrubs 1-4 m. Branchlets 4-angled or subterete, along with petiole, rachis, pedicel, and calyx glabrous, puberulent, pilose or pubescent. Petiole 0.5-2 cm; leaf blade ovate, ovate-elliptic to lanceolate, or obovate to suborbicular, 1.5-8(-13) × 1-6 cm, adaxially glabrous, pilose, or pubescent, abaxially pilose, pubescent, villous, to glabrous, base cuneate to rounded, apex acute to caudate-acuminate or obtuse. Panicles erect, lateral, rarely terminal, 5-16 × 2.5-7 cm; rachis 4-angled or subterete. Flowers subsessile or short pedicellate. Calyx 1.5-2 mm. Corolla purplish red, purple, lilac, pink, to white, 0.8-1.8 cm; tube subcylindric or slightly funnelform, 0.6-1.7 cm; lobes oblong or ovate, spreading. Anthers purple or purple-black, rarely yellow, inserted on corolla tube at or to 3 mm from mouth. Capsule long elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 0.7-2 cm, obviously lenticellate.
Slopes, grasslands, woods, thickets, along rivers; 300-3400 m. Gansu, Hebei, Henan, W and NW Hubei, Jilin, Liaoning, S Ningxia, E Qinghai, Shaanxi, W Shandong, Shanxi, NE Sichuan [Korea]