31. Dracocephalum origanoides Stephan ex Willdenow, Sp. Pl. 3: 151. 1800.
铺地青兰 pu di qing lan
Dracocephalum pinnatum Linnaeus var. songaricum Lipsky.
Rhizomes ca. 5 mm in diam. Stems purplish, numerous, ascending or suberect, densely retrorse pubescent, fertile 3-7 cm, sterile 2-4 cm. Petiole as long as to longer than blade, pubescent, sometimes intermixed with villous hairs; leaf blade pinnatipartite, ovate, 3-5 × 2.5-4.5 mm, adaxially pubescent, abaxially densely white tomentulous, base abruptly broad cuneate to shallow cordate, margin revolute, apex obtuse; segments in 3 pairs, broadly ovate to oblong, basal segment with an oblique reflexed lobe. Verticillasters in axils of apical 2-5 leaf pairs, crowded; bracts obovate-lanceolate, to 8 mm, apex 3-toothed, rarely entire, pubescent, ciliate. Calyx 7-8 mm, pubescent, ciliate, 2-lipped to 1/2 its length; upper lip teeth divisions to beyond 1/2 of lip, middle tooth obovate, lateral teeth broadly lanceolate; lower lip teeth divisions nearly to lip base, teeth spinescent-acuminate, spines less than 1 mm. Corolla blue, to 1.2 cm. Nutlets black, oblong. Fl. Jun-Jul, fr. Aug.
Grassy slopes, dry hillocks in alluvial regions; 1700-2500 m. Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia].