1. Eurysolen gracilis Prain, Sci. Mem. Off. Med. Dept. Gov. India. 11: 43. 1898.
宽管花 kuan guan hua
Shrubs 0.5-2 m tall. Branches cylindric, directed outward, yellow or brownish strigose. Petiole 1.5-3.5 cm, densely strigose; leaf blade obovate-rhomboid or oblong-obovate, 4-8(-9) × 3-5(-7.2) cm, sparsely hirsute, yellowish glandular, hirsute along veins abaxially, base cuneate or slightly decurrent, margin serrate to crenate, apex acute. Spikes 4-9 cm; bracts triangular-ovate, margin entire, acuminate. Pedicel ca. 1 mm. Calyx 3-4 mm, sparsely pilose outside, glandular; teeth triangular, ca. 1 mm, apex acute, ciliate; anterior teeth slightly longer. Corolla white, ca. 7 mm, hirsute, glandular; upper lip erect, 2-lobed. Filaments white pubescent. Nutlets with basal and inconspicuous areolae. Fl. Dec-Feb, fr. Mar-Jun.
Rainforests; 600-1900 m. Yunnan [India, Malaysia, Myanmar].
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