20. Mazus henryi P. C. Tsoong, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 1954: 444. 1954.
长柄通泉草 chang bing tong quan cao
Mazus henryi var. elatior P. C. Tsoong.
Perennials, densely lanose when young, glabrescent. Primary root short; fibrous roots ca. 7 cm, clustered. Stems to 25 cm, erect or ascending; stolons elongated, internodes 6-10 cm. Petiole 2.5-7 cm. Basal leaves 5-12, clustered, nearly rosulate; leaf blade suborbicular to broadly ovate, 2.5-5 cm, to 3 cm wide, margin crenate, teeth apices callous, sometimes with 1 or 2 pairs of lobes near base. Leaves on stolons opposite; petiole to 3 cm; blade smaller and more rounded than basal leaves, to 3 cm wide, margin often unlobed. Racemes terminal, shortened or elongated to 15 cm, lax, 2-13-flowered. Pedicel 1.5-2.5 cm. Calyx campanulate, 5-10 mm; lobes ovate-triangular, less than 1/3 of calyx length. Corolla light purple 1.2-1.6 cm; lower lip lobes subrounded, middle lobe smaller than lateral lobes and exserted; upper lip lobes lanceolate. Ovary glabrous. Capsule subglobose, ca. 4 mm. Fl. Jan-Apr, fr. Apr-May.
Edge of forests, mixed forests, wet and dense forests; 800-2200 m. C to S Yunnan [Laos].
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