2. Rehmannia solanifolia P. C. Tsoong & T. L. Chin, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 67(2): 401. 1979.
茄叶地黄 qie ye di huang
Herbs, 20-50 cm tall, villous, with few glandular hairs. Stems erect, unbranched. Basal leaves caducous. Stem leaves gradually decreasing in size upward; petiole 2-3 cm; leaf blade elliptic, 8-10 X 4-5 cm, abaxially pilose, adaxially subglabrous, base cuneate and tapering, margin coarsely triangular-toothed, coarsely serrate, or rarely undulate-toothed, veins raised. Pedicel stout, erect, subparallel to stem, to 7 cm in fruit, villous. Bracteoles absent. Calyx campanulate, 1.5-2 cm, villous; lobes 5-7, ovate-triangular, 5-7 X 3-4 mm, unequal, apex acute. Corolla purple-red, 4-4.5 cm, outside white villous with glandular and eglandular hairs; tube narrow; lower lip lobes oblong, subequal, ca. 12 X 1 cm, middle lobe sometimes further 2-lobed; upper lip broadly oblong, ca. 1 X 2 mm, 2-lobed to middle. Stamens 4 or 5. Ovary glabrous, stout. Stigma subglobose. Fl. and fr. Apr-May.
* Grassland; ca. 1300 m. Sichuan (Chengkou Xian).
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