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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 18 | Gesneriaceae | Chirita

54. Chirita longgangensis W. T. Wang in W. T. Wang & S. Z. Huang, Guihaia. 2: 171. 1982.

弄岗唇柱苣苔 long gang chun zhu ju tai

Perennial, stemless. Rhizome with conspicuous internodes, 0.4-2 cm. Leaves basal, opposite or ternate, sessile or petiole to 10 X 5 mm; leaf blade narrowly elliptic or narrowly oblanceolate to oblong linear, 5-16 X 1-2.9 cm, papery to leathery, densely appressed puberulent and pilose, eglandular, base attenuate, margin entire, revolute, apex acute to acuminate; lateral veins 3-6 on each side of midrib, abaxially prominent. Cymes 2-15-flowered; peduncle 3-15 cm, glandular pilose to puberulent; bracts 2, free, linear to lanceolate or obovate, 4-20 X 0.5-6 mm, abaxially pilose to puberulent, margin entire, involute, apex acute. Pedicel 0.7-4 cm, glandular puberulent and pilose. Calyx 5-sect from base; segments equal, lanceolate-linear, 5-8 X 0.9-1.5 mm, outside minutely appressed puberulent and glandular puberulent, inside puberulent near apex, margin entire, apex attenuate. Corolla white to red-purple, 3.4-4 cm, outside glabrous to puberulent, inside puberulent or glabrous below stamens; tube narrowly funnelform, ca. 2 X 1 cm; adaxial lip ca. 8 mm; abaxial lip ca. 1.2 cm. Filaments ca. 1.4 cm, basally puberulent; anthers fused by entire adaxial surfaces, 3-4 mm, bearded; staminodes 3, central ca. 0.5 mm, laterals 5-7 mm. Pistil ca. 2.8 cm, densely pubescent to glandular puberulent; ovary ca. 1.7 cm. Stigma obtrapeziform, ca. 2 mm, 2-lobed. Capsule erect, 1.6-2.5 cm. Fl. Sep-Dec.

* Rocks of forest margin on limestone hills; 200-300 m. SW Guangxi.

1 Bracts lanceolate to ovate, 7-20 X 3-6 mm; corolla white, outside glabrous, inside puberulent below stamens   54a var. longgangensis
+ Bracts linear, 4-15 X 0.5-1.5 mm; corolla purple-red, puberulent outside, glabrous inside   54b var. hongyao

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