16. Trichosanthes fissibracteata C. Y. Wu ex C. Y. Cheng & C. H. Yueh, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 12: 438. 1974.
裂苞栝楼 lie bao gua lou
Petiole 6-10 cm, glabrous, striate; leaf blade adaxially pale green, orbicular-cordate or broadly ovate-cordate, 11-25 × 9.5-20 cm, membranous to papery, unlobed or irregularly shortly 2- or 3-lobed or deeply 2- or 3-lobed, rarely 5-lobed; lobes broadly triangular-ovate, rarely ovate-oblong, adaxially glabrous, with large disk glands at base, margin subentire or remotely minutely denticulate, apex acuminate. Male raceme 9-20 cm; peduncle glabrous or very shortly puberulent, 2-5-flowered at apex; bracts ovate, 2.5-3 × 1.5-2 cm, cucullate, margin lobulate with 1.5-2 cm linear-lanceolate lobes; calyx tube ca. 3.5 cm; segments lanceolate, ca. 10 × 3-4 mm, entire or serrate. Female flowers unknown. Fruit subglobose, ca. 6 cm. Seeds brown, oblong, 1.1-1.5 × 0.5-0.6 cm, base retuse, apex truncate or obtuse. Fl. Aug-Sep, fr. Nov.
● Dense forests along valleys, thickets on mountain slopes; 1100-1300(-1500) m. SW Guangxi, SE Yunnan.
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