21. Trichosanthes laceribractea Hayata, J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. 30(1): 117. 1911.
长萼栝楼 chang e gua lou
Trichosanthes hupehensis C. Y. Cheng & C. H. Yueh; T. koshunensis Hayata; T. punctata Hayata; T. schizostroma Hayata; T. shikokiana Makino; T. sinopunctata C. Y. Cheng & C. H. Yueh.
Stems angular, grooved, subglabrous. Petiole 1.5-9 cm, striate, hispidulous or white punctate; leaf blade abaxially pale green, adaxially deep green, suborbicular or broadly ovate, 5-16(-19) × 4-15(-18) cm, papery, 3-7-lobed shortly or nearly to base; lobes triangular, ovate, or rhombic-obovate, abaxially hispidulous on veins, adaxially densely hispidulous or white punctate, margin remotely mucronate-serrate, apex acuminate. Male peduncle robust, 10-23 cm, puberulent or sparsely hispidulous; bracts broadly ovate, 2.5-4 × 2.5-4 cm, cucullate, margin lacerate; calyx tube narrowly tubular, ca. 5 cm; segments erect, ovate, 1-1.3 × ca. 0.7 cm, margin laciniate, apex acuminate. Female flowers solitary; pedicel 1.5-2 cm, puberulent; calyx tube cylindric, ca. 4 × 5 cm; segments linear, 1-1.3 cm, entire; ovary ovoid, ca. 1 × 0.7 cm, smooth. Fruit globose to ovoid-globose, 5-8 cm in diam. Seeds oblong, 1-1.4 × 0.5-0.8 cm, both ends rounded or truncate. Fl. Jul-Aug, fr. Sep-Oct. 2n = 22*.
● Dense forests along valleys; 200-1100 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hubei, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan.