31. Trichosanthes trichocarpa C. Y. Wu ex C. Y. Cheng & C. H. Yueh, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 340. 1980.
杏籽栝楼 xing zi gua lou
Stems slender, grooved, puberulent. Petiole slender, 7-8 cm, striate, puberulent; leaf blade abaxially pale green, adaxially deep green, broadly cordate, 10-16 × 7-13 cm, papery, unlobed or irregularly shortly 3-lobed; lobes triangular, abaxially pubescent, adaxially sparsely hairy, margin entire or denticulate, apex acuminate to long acuminate. Flowers unknown. Fruiting peduncle 3-4 cm, striate, puberulent; fruit yellow or orange-red, ovoid-oblong or oblong, 7-9 × 7-8 cm, densely white villous, beaked. Seeds obovate-triangular, 1-1.1 × ca. 1 cm, 3-loculed with 2 lateral locules narrow. Fr. Oct-Nov.
● Forests on mountain slopes, roadsides; 2100-2400 m. S and SW Yunnan.
One of us (Jeffrey) treats this taxon as a synonym of Trichosanthes pilosa.
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