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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Cotula

2. Cotula hemisphaerica (Roxburgh) Wallich ex Bentham in Bentham & J. D. Hooker, Gen. Pl. 2: 429. 1873.

山芫绥 shan yuan sui

Artemisia hemisphaerica Roxburgh, Fl. Ind., ed. 1832, 3: 423. 1832; Cotula chinensis Kitamura; Machlis hemisphaerica (Roxburgh) Candolle.

Herbs, annual, small. Stems with diffuse branches, ± villous with brownish hairs. Basal leaves shortly petiolate; leaf blade oblanceolate, 3-5 × 1-2 cm, both surfaces subglabrous, 2-pinnatisect; primary lateral segments 5-paired; ultimate segments linear or linear-lanceolate. Middle stem leaves similar, oblong, base amplexicaul; distal stem leaves small. Capitula solitary at apex of branches, ca. 5 mm in diam. Involucres cup-shaped; phyllaries in 2 rows, oblong, margin scarious, apex obtuse or acute, with brown midvein. Marginal female florets many, without corolla or corolla 2-toothed; disk florets few, corolla yellow, 4-lobed. Achenes narrowly oblong, ca. 1 mm, slightly dorsiventrally flattened, lateral wings narrow, with sessile glands. Pappus absent. Fl. and fr. Jan-May.

Sandy and stony places by rivers, by paddies; ca. 100 m. Hubei, Sichuan, Taiwan [Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan].

The record of Cotula chinensis in Fl. Taiwan (4: 840. 1978) is referable to Soliva anthemifolia.


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