5. Solidago canadensis Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 878. 1753.
加拿大一枝黄花 jia na da yi zhi huang hua
Herbs, perennial; rhizomes creeping, branched. Stems to 150 cm tall, erect, simple, shortly and softly downy above. Leaves numerous, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 5-12 cm, abaxially downy, veins sparsely hairy, adaxially shortly pilose, tapering at both ends, margin of basal sometimes entire, of lower and upper cauline sharply serrate, longitudinal veins 3 (triplinerved), of which 2 lateral veins protrude weakly, apex acuminate. Capitula in paniculiform synflorescences, branches (racemes) curved downward, capitula attached on upper side of branch. Involucre 2.5-3 mm; phyllaries linear-lanceolate, slightly obtuse. Florets golden yellow; ray florets hardly longer than involucre. Pappus inner (longest) bristles not obviously clavate. Fl. Aug-Sep.
Occasionally cultivated in gardens and parks in China, and may possibly become naturalized [native to North America].
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