6. Calamagrostis kengii T. F. Wang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 10: 312. 1965.
东北拂子茅 dong bei fu zi mao
Perennial, densely tufted. Culms 90–135 cm tall. Leaf sheaths glabrous; leaf blades linear, involute when dry, 25–35 cm, ca. 5 mm wide, adaxial surface very scabrid, abaxial surface smooth, margin scabrid; ligule 3–4(–7) mm, truncate or lacerate. Panicle lanceolate in outline, often lobed in lower half, 12–17(–22) × 1.2–1.5 cm. Spikelets 6–7 mm; glumes lanceolate-subulate, subequal, scabrid along keel, apex long acuminate; callus hairs 5.5–6.8 mm; lemma 4–5 mm, 3-veined, apex 2-toothed; awn arising from upper 1/3 of lemma back, 2.5–3 mm, straight; palea 3/4 as long as lemma; rachilla 0.5–0.8 mm, upper part or apex penicillate with a few or many long silky hairs. Fl. and fr. Jul–Aug.
* Forests, forest margins, moist places, waste ground. Heilongjiang, Jilin.
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