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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 22 | Poaceae | Gigantochloa

6. Gigantochloa parviflora (P. C. Keng) P. C. Keng, J. Bamboo Res. 3(1): 24. 1984.

南峤滇竹 nan qiao dian zhu

Oxytenanthera parviflora P. C. Keng, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 6: 358. 1957.

Culms and culm sheaths unknown. Leaf sheath ligule trun-cate, ca. 3.5 mm; blade 16–28 × 3.5–4 cm. Inflorescence on leafless branches. Pseudospikelets in heads to 4 cm in diam. Spikelets 1–1.5 cm; florets 3. Glumes 2, ovate, 2–3 mm, glabrous; lemma 8–14 mm, ciliate; palea equal to lemma, uppermost one rounded. Filament tube ca. 0.8 cm; anthers 4–8 mm. Ovary ca. 1.5 cm. Caryopsis unknown.

* River valleys; ca. 1400 m. S Yunnan.

This imperfectly understood species is known only from its type gathering, and it may perhaps have become extinct in the wild.


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