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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 23 | Cyperaceae | Kyllinga

5c. Kyllinga brevifolia var. stellulata (J. V. Suringar) Ohwi, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo). 56: 199. 1942.

小星穗水蜈蚣 xiao xing sui shui wu gong

Cyperus brevifolius var. stellulatus J. V. Suringar, Cyperus, 48. 1898; Kyllinga intermedia R. Brown.

Culms 2-6 cm tall. Spike globose, 4-6 mm wide, with several to 20 or more spikelets. Spikelets laxly arranged, radially spreading, usually 1- or 2-flowered. Glumes not spinulose on keel. Fl. and fr. Jun-Jul.

Valleys; 1900-2700 m. NW Yunnan [S India, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines].

Kyllinga brevifolia f. pumila (J. V. Suringar) Tang & F. T. Wang (Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 11: 188. 1961; Cyperus brevifolius f. pumila J. V. Suringar, Geslacht Cyperus Mal. Archipel. 48. 1898) is similar to K. brevifolia var. stellulata, but the two taxa have not been provisionally combined here because the type of f. pumila has not been seen.


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