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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 23 | Arecaceae | Calamus

20. Calamus rhabdocladus Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem. 10: 884. 1930.

杖藤 zhang teng

Calamus pseudoscutellaris Conrard; C. pseudoscutellaris var. cylindrocarpus Conrard; C. rhabdocladus var. globulosus S. J. Pei & San Y. Chen.

Stems clustered, climbing (sometimes only shortly climbing or erect), to 40 m, 4-6 cm in diam. Leaf sheaths green with reddish brown hairs, with densely arranged, oblique rows of glossy, black or brown, flattened spines to 4(-10 at sheath apices) cm; ocreas present; knees inconspicuous or absent; flagella to 5 m; rachis to 1.5 m with to 60 linear pinnae per side, these regularly arranged (young plants regularly arranged but with gaps); middle pinnae 30-50 cm, 1.8-2 cm wide at mid-point, adaxial and abaxial veins and margins prominently bristly; cirri absent. Inflorescences to 8 m, flagellate; inflorescence bracts tubular. Fruits reddish or yellowish, globose, ellipsoid, or ovoid, to 1.4 × 0.8 cm.

Lowland or montane rain forests; below 1600 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Yunnan [Laos, Vietnam].

This species provides a cane of medium quality for furniture-making, and the palm hearts and fruits are eaten.


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