30. Asparagus kansuensis F. T. Wang & Tang ex S. C. Chen, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 16(1): 94. 1978.
甘肃天门冬 gan su tian men dong
Subshrubs dioecious. Roots with subterminal tuber 2--3 cm thick. Stems erect, much branched, 17--27 cm, densely noded; stem and branches striate-ridged, ridges cartilaginous denticulate. Cladodes in fascicles of (3--)5--10, needlelike, 5--8 × ca. 0.4 mm, irregularly grooved. Leaf spur spinescent; spine spreading horizontally, straight, 2--5 mm on main stems, slightly shorter toward base of plant, slender, sharp. Inflorescences developing after cladodes. Flowers of both sexes solitary or paired; pedicel ca. 1 mm. Male flowers: perianth campanulate, 2--2.5 mm; filaments adnate to perianth segments for ca. 1/4 their length. Fl. Jun.
* Slopes; 900--1600 m. S Gansu.
The tuberous roots are edible.
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