12. Lilium dauricum Ker Gawler, Bot. Mag. 30: t. 1210. 1809.
毛百合 mao bai he
Lilium maculatum Thunberg subsp. dauricum (Ker Gawler) H. Hara; L. pensylvanicum Ker Gawler; L. pseudodahuricum M. Fedossejew & S. Fedossejew.
Bulb ovoid-globose, ca. 2 cm in diam.; scales white, broadly lanceolate, 1--1.4 cm × 5--6 mm, articulate or not. Stem (30--)50--70(--120) cm, not papillose. Leaves scattered plus 4 or 5 in a whorl at apex of stem, sessile, linear, rarely to lanceolate, 4--5 cm × 3--4(--25) mm, 3--5-veined, margin papillose, sometimes also sparsely white woolly, base with a cluster of white woolly hairs. Flowers 1 or 2(--6). Tepals vermilion or red, with purple-red spots, rarely with yellow claws; outer ones oblanceolate, (3--)7--9 × 1.5--2.3 cm, abaxially white woolly, sometimes glabrous; inner ones slightly narrower; nectaries deep purple papillose on both surfaces. Stamens converging; filaments ca. 5 cm; anthers ca. 1 cm. Ovary ca. 1.8 cm. Style ca. 4 cm. Capsule oblong, ca. 5 × 3 cm. Fl. Jun--Jul, fr. Aug--Sep. 2 n = 24*.
Open forests, bushy slopes, hillsides, moist meadows; 400--1500 m. Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol [Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia (Far East, E Siberia)].