33. Lilium duchartrei Franchet, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. ser. 2, 10: 90. 1887.
宝兴百合 bao xing bai he
Lilium farreri Turrill; L. forrestii W. W. Smith.
Bulb ovoid, 1.5--4 cm in diam.; scales white, ovate to lanceolate, 1--2 × 0.5--1.8 cm. Stem 0.5--1.5 m, sometimes slightly papillose. Leaves scattered, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 4.5--5 × ca. 1 cm, papillose abaxially and at margin, 3--5-veined, axil with a cluster of white hairs. Flowers solitary or several in an umbel, nodding, fragrant. Tepals white, with red-purple spots, 4.5--6 × 1.2--1.4 cm, margin revolute; nectaries papillose on both surfaces. Filaments ca. 3.5 cm; anthers yellow, narrowly oblong, ca. 1 cm. Ovary ca. 1.2 × 1.5--4 cm. Style 3--4 cm. Capsule ellipsoid, 2.5--3 × ca. 2.2 cm. Seeds with a 1--2 mm wide wing. Fl. Jul--Aug, fr. Sep. 2 n = 24*.
* Forest margins along valleys, grassy slopes, hillsides; 1500--3800 m. Gansu, Hubei, ?S Shaanxi (Qin Ling), Sichuan.
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