9b. Lilium nanum var. flavidum (Rendle) Sealy, Bot. Mag. 169: t. 218. 1952.
黄斑百合 huang ban bai he
Fritillaria flavida Rendle, J. Bot. 44: 45. 1906; Lilium euxanthum (W. W. Smith & W. E. Evans) Sealy; L. nanum f. flavidum (Rendle) H. Hara; Nomocharis euxantha W. W. Smith & W. E. Evans.
Tepals yellow, unspotted.
Forest margins, alpine grasslands; 3800--4300 m. SE Xizang, Yunnan [N Myanmar, Sikkim].
Henry Noltie (pers. comm.) considers Lilium euxanthum (from SE Xizang and Yunnan) to be distinct from L. nanum var. flavidum (from S Xizang (Chumbi valley), N Myanmar, and Sikkim). The former has oblong leaves, which do not overtop the flower, and golden yellow tepals; the latter has linear, finely tapering leaves, which overtop the flower, and pale lemon-colored tepals.
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