52. Lilium sulphureum Baker ex J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India. 6: 351. Jul 1892.
淡黄花百合 dan huang hua bai he
Lilium myriophyllum Franchet (Sep 1892), not E. H. Wilson (1905).
Bulb globose, ca. 5.5 cm in diam.; scales ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 2.5--5 × 0.8--1.6 cm. Stem 0.8--1.2 m, papillose. Leaves scattered, lanceolate, 7--13 × 1.3--1.8(--3.2) cm, axil with bulblets (on distal leaves). Flowers usually 2, funnelform, fragrant. Tepals white; outer ones oblong-oblanceolate, 17--19 × 1.8--2.2 cm; inner ones spatulate, 3.2--4 cm wide; nectaries not papillose. Filaments 13--15 cm, glabrous, rarely sparsely pubescent; anthers narrowly oblong, ca. 2 cm. Ovary purple, cylindric, 4--4.5 cm × 2--5 mm. Style 11--12 cm. Fl. Jun--Jul. 2 n = 36*.
Shaded places in forests, grassy slopes, hillsides; 100--1900 m. Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan [Myanmar].
The bulbs are used medicinally.