31. Ophiopogon pingbienensis F. T. Wang & L. K. Dai in F. T. Wang & Tang, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 15: 251. 1978.
屏边沿阶草 ping bian yan jie cao
Stem very short, indistinct. Leaves basal, tufted; petiole 4--14 cm; leaf blade abaxially slightly glaucous, narrowly elliptic-oblong, 5.5--9 × 1.5--2 cm, base attenuate, apex acute. Scape 6--10 cm. Inflorescence a raceme, several flowered; bracts ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 6--8 mm. Flowers solitary; pedicel 4--6 mm, articulate at middle. Tepals oblong-lanceolate to narrowly oblong, 8--11 × 2.5--3.5 mm. Filaments ca. 1 mm; anthers ca. 6 mm. Style ca. 7 mm, slender. Fl. May. 2 n = 36*.
* Dense forests; 1800--2000 m. SE Yunnan (Pingbian Miao Zu Zizhixian).
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