1. Tofieldia coccinea Richardson in Franklin, Narr. Journey Polar Sea. 736. 1823.
长白岩菖蒲 chang bai yan chang pu
Tofieldia fauriei H. Léveillé & Vaniot; T. nutans Willdenow; T. taquetii H. Léveillé & Vaniot.
Leaves 2.5--7(--8) cm × 2--3(--4) mm, rather rigid, margin scabrous, apex acuminate, veins inconspicuous. Scape 5--16 cm, with 1 or 2 short, linear leaves in proximal part. Racemes 7--30 mm, densely many flowered. Flowers horizontally spreading or more often nodding; pedicel 0.5--0.8 mm at anthesis, elongate to 1.5--2(--3.5) mm in fruit; bracteole 1, cupular, apically 3-lobed, rarely to 3-fid. Perianth segments white or slightly tinged with pink or rarely purple, oblanceolate-oblong, 2--3 × ca. 0.5 mm. Stamens protruding from or rarely equaling perianth. Ovary ovoid, scarcely 3-lobed apically. Styles rather thick, ca. 0.4 mm, nearly as long as anthers. Capsule nodding, globose, 2--2.5(--3) mm in diam., apically scarcely or slightly 3-lobed, with persistent styles 0.5--0.8 mm and stigmas conspicuously thickened. Seeds nearly linear-fusiform, rarely ellipsoid, (0.8--)1 mm, without a white, longitudinal band. Fl. Jul--Aug, fr. Aug--Sep. 2 n = (20), 30, (32).
Meadows, wetlands, crevices of rocks or cliffs; 1800--2400 m. Anhui, S Jilin [Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia; North America].