54b. Iris tigridia var. fortis Y. T. Zhao, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 60. 1980.
大粗根鸢尾 da cu gen yuan wei
Leaves 10--20 cm × 3--6 mm. Flowering stems 10--20 cm. Flowers 4.5--5 cm in diam.
* Forest margins, grasslands on sunny hillsides. C Jilin, E Nei Mongol, Shanxi.
Iris ivanovae Doronkin (Fl. Sibir., Araceae-Orchidaceae, 117. 1987) was recorded in its protologue not only from Mongolia and Russia (Siberia) but also from China. No specimens have been seen by the present authors, but it is said to differ from I. tigridia in having narrower leaves (to 2 mm wide), narrowly lanceolate spathes, smaller flowers (to 3.5 cm in diam.), and outer perianth segments abruptly narrowed into a filiform claw.
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