1 |
Plant generally wind-pollinated or self-pollinated, capitula small and not showy; all florets unisexual, or if bisexual then capitula aggregated into glomerules; ray florets absent |
(2) |
+ |
Plant generally adapted for attracting pollinating insects, capitula colorful and attractive; some or all florets bisexual; ray florets present, sometimes inconspicuous, rarely absent |
(4) |
2 (1) |
Florets all bisexual; capitula aggregated into glomerules surrounded by leaflike bracts; achenes free and not surrounded by modified phyllaries into a bur or into spiny, tuberculate, or winged coat. |
228 Lagascea |
+ |
Florets unisexual; capitula not aggregated into glomerules and lacking any outer leaflike bracts; achenes surrounded by modified phyllaries into a prickly bur or spines, tubercles, or wings |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Phyllaries in male capitula 1- or 2-seriate, free to base; phyllaries in female capitula 6-12-seriate, their distinct tips mostly ± hooked (distal 1-3 usually longer, stouter, and not hooked), whole becoming a hard, prickly perigynium or bur; florets 2. |
232 Xanthium |
+ |
Phyllaries in male capitula 1-seriate, connate; phyllaries in female capitula 1-8-seriate, usually with free tips forming tubercles, spines, or wings; florets 1(-5). |
233 Ambrosia |
4 (1) |
Leaves and phyllaries with obvious oil glands |
(5) |
+ |
Leaves and phyllaries lacking oil glands |
(6) |
5 (4) |
Phyllaries connate into a tube, sometimes splitting with age; style arms relatively long, spreading or arcuate; leaves lacking basal cilia. |
202 Tagetes |
+ |
Phyllaries free; style arms minute, scarcely bifurcated; leaf bases distinctly ciliate. |
203 Pectis |
6 (4) |
Only ray florets fertile, ray achenes much longer than those of sterile disk florets |
(7) |
+ |
Disk florets fertile; ray florets present and fertile or sterile or absent |
(9) |
7 (6) |
Leaves alternate; ray achenes strongly flattened, each achene ± enclosed by and often attached to subtending phyllary and 2 adjacent paleae, all falling as a unit. |
234 Parthenium |
+ |
Leaves opposite; ray achenes thick, rounded or weakly compressed, without wings; achenes thick, not obviously flattened, not falling as unit with adjacent paleae |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Achenes enveloped and enclosed by prickly inner phyllaries. |
214 Acanthospermum |
+ |
Achenes merely subtended by unarmed phyllaries. |
217 Smallanthus |
9 (6) |
Ray florets with or without short tubes, persistent with corollas fused to apex of achene. |
211 Zinnia |
+ |
Ray florets deciduous, of if ray florets absent (i.e., capitula disciform or discoid) then corollas not fused to apex of achene |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Pappus of subulate to acerose scales, or spatulate, entire to erose, fimbriate, or laciniate, sometimes aristate, scales 1-seriate, or plumose, setiform scales (or flattened bristles) 1-seriate, or an apical peg |
(11) |
+ |
Pappus absent, or awned |
(13) |
11 (10) |
Pappus of plumose setae. |
212 Tridax |
+ |
Pappus of aristate or linear scales with erose or fimbriate margins, or absent |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Pappus of 6-12 aristate, rarely linear scales with erose margins; capitula > 10 mm in diam. |
235 Gaillardia |
+ |
Pappus absent or of fimbriate, sometimes aristate scales; capitula 3-5 mm in diam. |
213 Galinsoga |
13 (10) |
Achenes compressed |
(14) |
+ |
Achenes all relatively plump, or 3-5-angled in ray florets and compressed in disk florets |
(21) |
14 (13) |
Pappus of retrorsely barbed awns; leaves opposite or upper alternate |
(15) |
+ |
Pappus absent, or persistent, of 2 bristly cusps or scales; leaves opposite |
(17) |
15 (14) |
Style branches with long hairs; pappus of 2 scabrid awns. |
205 Glossocardia |
+ |
Style branches with short minute papillae; pappus of 2-4 scabrid awns |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Anther filaments pubescent; achene apex beaked. |
206 Cosmos |
+ |
Anther filaments glabrous; achene apex narrow, not beaked. |
207 Bidens |
17 (14) |
Phyllaries 2-seriate, outer few and smaller, inner membranous, connate at base; pappus of 2-4 awns or scales or absent. |
208 Coreopsis |
+ |
Phyllaries free, outer leathery, subequal, inner shorter, similar with paleae; ray achenes narrowly oval and winged, with 2 triangular scales |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Achenes markedly dimorphic, those of ray florets with conspicuous, lacerate winged margin, others wingless. |
219 Synedrella |
+ |
Achenes all ± alike, wingless or somewhat thickly winged distally, not lacerate |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Shrubs or small trees; synflorescence of numerous capitula in congested panicles or corymbs; achenes wingless. |
223 Clibadium |
+ |
Annual or perennial herbs; synflorescence of solitary capitula or capitula several in dense clusters; achenes winged or angled |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Capitula radiate; pappus of 2 stout awns. |
220 Calyptocarpus |
+ |
Capitula discoid; pappus peglike. |
221 Eleutheranthera |
21 (13) |
Achenes enclosed by inner phyllaries or outer paleae |
(22) |
+ |
Achenes not enclosed by inner phyllaries |
(24) |
22 (21) |
Capitula tightly or loosely aggregated on short peduncles in corymbose panicles. |
204 Flaveria |
+ |
Capitula axillary or in sparse cymes or panicles |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Female florets 1-seriate; phyllaries 5, spreading; capitula in sparse panicles, peduncles long. |
216 Sigesbeckia |
+ |
Female florets multiseriate; phyllaries 4, broad, in 2 pairs; capitula axillary, peduncles very short. |
209 Enydra |
24 (21) |
Paleae narrow, long, flat; ray florets 2-seriate, lamina small; pappus absent or of 2 short awns |
(25) |
+ |
Paleae concave or folded, ± enclosing florets |
(26) |
25 (24) |
Ray floret lamina white; achene body tuberculate. |
222 Eclipta |
+ |
Ray floret lamina yellow; achene body striate. |
215 Guizotia |
26 (24) |
Achenes in ray florets broadly ovate or elliptic, 3-angled; disk achenes ellipsoid, strongly compressed; pappus absent or of up to 10 awnlike bristles. |
210 Acmella |
+ |
Achenes in bisexual florets 4- or 5-angled, or compressed |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Ray florets sterile |
(28) |
+ |
Ray florets fertile |
(31) |
28 (27) |
Paleae completely investing and falling with accompanying achene, each forming a hardened perigynium. |
227 Sclerocarpus |
+ |
Paleae sometimes conduplicate, ± enfolding achenes, not forming perigynium |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Pappus absent, a small crown of minute scales, or of 2-4 small scales; receptacles conical to columnar. |
229 Rudbeckia |
+ |
Pappus of 2 awns sometimes with a few scales, or a crown of fused scales, or of 2 awns with fused scales, or absent; receptacles flat to shallowly convex |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Peduncles usually distally dilated, always fistulose; pappus absent or coroniform, of connate scales, 1 or 2 scales sometimes subulate to aristate. |
230 Tithonia |
+ |
Peduncles never fistulose; pappus absent or readily deciduous, of 2(or 3) usually lanceolate, aristate, or erose scales, plus 0-8 usually shorter scales. |
231 Helianthus |
31 (27) |
Pappus elements 2-5, unequal, spinelike or squamalike, persistent, base connate; ray florets female, ray floret lamina short or very short, apex 2-4-dentate; capitula small. |
218 Blainvillea |
+ |
Pappus absent, or scalelike, cyathiform, coroniform, or of 1 or 2 setae; capitula relatively large |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Corollas orange to yellow; outer phyllaries herbaceous and larger than inner; leaves sessile or very shortly petiolate; plants mainly prostrate; achenes triangular (ray) or compressed (disk); capitula always solitary, terminal (but appearing axillary) on erect peduncles; achene beak and pappus obscured at maturity by corky collar. |
224 Sphagneticola |
+ |
Corollas white or yellow; outer phyllaries ± equal in size to inner; leaves usually conspicuously petiolate; plants mostly erect or ascending [sometimes vines or subshrubs outside of our area]; synflorescence of 1-3(-6) capitula, terminal or axillary; pappus of obvious setae (rarely absent) |
(33) |
33 (32) |
Ray florets female and sterile or neuter; pappus awns caducous. |
225 Melanthera |
+ |
Ray florets female and fertile; pappus absent or single awn persistent. |
226 Wollastonia |