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显子草族 xian zi cao zu

Authors: Sheng-lian Lu & Sylvia M. Phillips

Perennial. Leaf blades broadly linear with transverse veinlets, narrowed into a false petiole, this twisted to bring the abaxial surface uppermost; ligule long, membranous. Inflorescence a large open panicle, branches usually verticillate, scabridulous. Spikelets all alike, floret 1, rachilla extension absent, dorsally compressed, falling entire; glumes unequal, membranous to scarious; lemma as long as spikelet, herbaceous with scarious margins, strongly 3–5-veined, marginal veins obscure; palea resembling lemma but 2-veined, furrowed between keels, splitting at maturity; lodicules 3; stamens 3; stigmas 2. Caryopsis globose with small apical beak from style base, exposed between gaping lemma and palea at maturity, pericarp thick, softening and peeling away when wet, embryo very small, hilum as long as the caryopsis. Leaf anatomy:non-Kranz; microhairs absent; fusoid cells absent. x = 12.

One species: E Asia.

Lower Taxon


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