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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae


黄檀族 huang tan zu

Authors: Dezhao Chen, Prof. Dianxiang Zhang & Kai Larsen

Trees, shrubs, or lianas, with hard wood. Leaves pulvinate, mostly imparipinnate; stipels absent; leaflets 5 to numerous, alter­nate or opposite, rarely 1-3-foliolate. Flowers in racemes or panicles, small; bracts and bracteoles usually small and caducous, rarely persistent. Calyx 5-toothed, upper lobes joined higher, sometimes spathaceous, 2-lipped or subtruncate. Standard generally without calluses. Stamens all connate into a sheath split along upper (adaxial) side, or vexillary filament free or absent, or sheath split also on lower side forming two bundles; anthers uniform, dorsifixed, dehiscent by slits or by pores. Ovary sessile to long stipitate, 1- to few ovuled. Legumes with 1(to few) specialized indehiscent seed-chambers, winged, drupaceous or flat and curved, eglandular. Seeds 1-3, globose to oblong-reniform.

About 26 genera (excluding genera of Aeschynomeneae) and ca. 825 species: distributed in the tropics; two genera and 30 species (14 endemic, one introduced) in China.

1 Trees, shrubs, or woody climbers; corolla usually white, sometimes light green, light yellow, or purple; legume oblong, ligulate, elliptic, or strap-shaped, rarely half-moon-shaped.   54 Dalbergia
+ Trees; corolla yellow; legume orbicular, compressed, broadly winged around margin.   55 Pterocarpus

Lower Taxa


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