田菁族 tian jing zu
Authors: Hang Sun & Bruce Bartholomew
Herbs, shrubs, or rarely trees, deciduous. Stipules small, caducous. Leaves paripinnate; petiole and rachis often adaxially grooved; stipels small or absent; leaflets numerous, petiolulate; leaflet blades with entire margin. Racemes axillary at apical part of branches; bracts and bracteoles subulate, caducous. Pedicel slender. Calyx broadly campanulate; teeth 5, subequal, rarely nearly 2-labiate. Corolla yellow or with spots, rarely white, red, or dark purple, exserted from calyx, glabrous; standard broad, with 2 calluses on claw; wings falcate-oblong, auriculate; keel curved, abaxial margin connate, auriculate, claw longer than standard claw. Stamens diadelphous (9+1); anthers homomorphic, dorsifixed, 2-loculed, longitudinally dehiscent, often glabrous. Ovary linear, many ovuled, stipitate; style slender and curved; stigma small, capitate, terminal. Legume often long, linear, and terete, many seeded, trabeculate between seeds, dehiscent at maturity, base with a carpopodium, apex beaked. Seeds terete; hilum rounded.
One genus and ca. 60 species: tropical, subtropical, and warm-temperate regions of Africa, America, Asia, and Australia; four species (three or four introduced) in China.