34. Jasminum elongatum (Bergius) Willdenow, Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 1: 37. 1797.
扭肚藤 niu du teng
Nyctanthes elongata Bergius, Phil. Trans. 61: 289. 1772; Jasminum amplexicaule Buchanan-Hamilton; J. esquirolii H. Léveillé; J. ligustroides L. C. Chia; J. undulatum Ker-Gawler.
Shrubs scandent, 1-7 m. Branchlets terete, slightly pubescent to densely tomentose. Leaves opposite, simple; petiole 2-6 mm; leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, (1.5-)3-11 × 2-5.5 cm, papery, pubescent or glabrescent except for hairy veins abaxially, base rounded, truncate, or subcordate, apex usually acute; primary veins 3 or 4 on each side of midrib. Cymes terminal or axillary, many flowered, congested; bracts linear or ovate-lanceolate, 1-5(-9) mm. Pedicel 1-4 mm. Calyx densely tomentose to glabrescent; lobes 6-8, subulate-filiform, 5-10(-14) mm. Corolla white, salverform; tube 1.5-2 (-3) cm; lobes 6-9, lanceolate, 8-11(-14) mm. Berry black, subglobose or ovoid, 1-1.2 cm × 5-8 mm. Fl. Apr-Dec, fr. Aug-Mar. 2n = 26*.
Thickets, mixed forests; 0-900 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Yunnan [India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam; N Australia]
Jasminum elongatum is a very widespread and variable species.