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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 18 | Scrophulariaceae | Odontites

1. Odontites vulgaris Moench, Methodus. 499. 1794.

疗齿草 liao chi cao

Euphrasia odontites Linnaeus; E. serotina Lamarck; Odontites serotina (Lamarck) Dumotier.

Annuals, 20-60 cm tall, entirely with appressed white hairs. Stems often branched from middle and apically, quadrangular above. Leaves sessile, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 1-4.5 X 0.3-1 cm, margin sparsely dentate. Spikes terminal; lower bracts leaflike. Calyx campanulate, 4-7 mm, slightly inflated in fruit; lobes narrowly triangular. Corolla purple, purple-red, or pale red, 8-10 mm, white villous outside. Capsule narrowly oblong, slightly compressed, 4-7 mm, apically hirsute. Seeds ellipsoid, ca. 1.5 mm. Fl. Jul-Aug.

Meadows; below 2000 m. Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai (Xunhua Salarzu Zizhi Xian), S Shaanxi, Shanxi, Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan; Europe].


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