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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 15 | Oleaceae | Olea

5. Olea tetragonoclada L. C. Chia, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 3: 341. 1952.

方枝木犀榄 fang zhi mu xi lan

Shrubs 1.2-6 m. Branchlets, peduncles, and pedicels 4- angled, puberulent or pubescent. Petiole 1-3 mm, pubescent; leaf blade oblong-elliptic to lanceolate, 2.5-6 × 0.7-2 cm, leathery, usually puberulent, base broadly cuneate or obtuse, margin entire, apex obtuse or sometimes retuse; primary veins 7 or 8 on each side of midrib, obscure. Panicles axillary or terminal, 0.7-2 cm. Flowers bisexual. Pedicel 0-2 mm. Calyx ca. 1 mm, pubescent. Corolla yellowish, 2-2.5 mm; tube 1-1.5 mm; lobes ovate, 0.7-1 mm. Drupe pruinose, ellipsoid, 8-10 × 5-8 mm. Fl. May, fr. Dec.

* Thickets, dense forests, tops of calcareous mountains; 900-1000 m. Guangxi


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