24a. Populus purdomii var. purdomii
冬瓜杨(原变种) dong gua yang (yuan bian zhong)
Bark furrowed, exfoliating when old. Leaf blade glabrescent along veins.
* Mountains, streamsides; 700-2600 m. Gansu, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan
According to A. Rehder’s original description, Populus purdomii var. purdomii should have a 2-valved capsule; however, the authors have seen only 3- or 4-valved capsules on specimens collected at the type locality. This variety is similar to P. cathayana and P. szechuanica, but differs from the former in its larger leaves, from the latter in its non-purple branchlets, and from both species in its exfoliating bark and pilose leaf veins.
Used for timber and wood pulp.
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