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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 4 | Juglandaceae | Pterocarya

5a. Pterocarya macroptera var. macroptera

甘肃枫杨(原变种) gan su feng yang (yuan bian zhong)

Trees to 15 m tall. Leaves 23-30(-43) cm; petiole 4-8 cm; leaflets 7-13, lateral leaflets elliptic or long elliptic, 9-18 × 3-6 cm, base oblique, cordate, apex acuminate. Fruiting spike 45-60(-70) cm, axis tomentose. Nutlets 7-9 mm, tomentose; wings elliptic-rhomboid, 2-3 × ca. 2(-2.5) cm. Fl. May-Jun, fr. Jul-Aug.

* Forests in valleys, along mountain streams; 1600-3500 m. SE Gansu, S Shaanxi, NE Sichuan


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