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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 24 | Liliaceae | Allium

38. Allium amphibolum Ledebour, Fl. Altaic. 2: 5. 1830.

直立韭 zhi li jiu

Bulbs densely clustered, cylindric-conical, 1--1.5 cm in diam.; tunic yellowish brown, reticulate. Leaves linear, shorter than scape, 3--5 mm wide, flat, margin smooth. Scape 20--30 cm, covered with leaf sheaths for 1/4--1/3 its length. Umbel hemispheric, densely many flowered. Pedicels equal, very short, bracteolate. Perianth rose lilac or purplish red; segments with dark purple midvein; outer ones lanceolate, 5--6 mm, apex usually hooded. Filaments dark red, slightly longer than perianth segments; inner ones broadened at base, with 1 short, rounded tooth on each side. Ovary subglobose, with concave nectaries at base. Style very long, exserted; stigma punctiform. Fl. Jul. 2 n = 48.

Slopes; 2500--3000 m. W Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia].


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