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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 24 | Amaryllidaceae | Ixiolirion

2. Ixiolirion songaricum P. Yan in N. R. Cui, Fl. Xinjiang. 6: 605. 1996.

准噶尔鸢尾蒜 zhun ga er yuan wei suan

Corms subovoid, 1.5--3 × 0.8--2.2 cm; tunic brown, longitudinally striate. Basal leaves linear, 1.5--3 × 0.2--0.5(--0.7) cm. Inflorescence an umbel, 3--6-flowered, sometimes middle leaf axil of flowering stem with 1 or 2 additional flowers. Pedicels unequal, 1--3 cm. Perianth azure or pale purple, 1.8--3 cm; segments recurved, connate proximally into a true tube 9--11 mm, linear or linear-lanceolate, outer segments 1.5--2.5 mm wide, apex with an angular appendix with tufted hairs inside, inner segments 2.5--3.5 mm wide, apex acute. Stamens unequal; filament white, 3 outer ones filiform, 1.1--1.4 cm, 3 inner ones linear-oblanceolate, 1.6--2.1 cm; anther dorsifixed. Stigma blue-purple, 1.3--1.8 cm. Capsule 10--16 × 4--7 mm. Fl. Apr--May, fr. May--Jun.

* Dry slopes and fields; 400--1600 m. Xinjiang (N slopes of Tian Shan).


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