6. Bergenia tianquanensis J. T. Pan, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 32: 571. 1994.
天全岩白菜 tian quan yan bai cai
Herbs perennial, ca. 25 cm tall. Rhizomes dark brown, thick, scaly. Leaves all basal; petiole pilose, sheathless part ca. 1.5 cm, sheathing base rigidly ciliate at margin; leaf blade obovate to broadly so, 4.9-8.4 × 4.3-8.8 cm, leathery, both surfaces subsessile glandular, base cuneate, margin dentate and serrate, rigidly ciliate, apex obtuse. Inflorescence cymose, 7-11.5 cm; branches and pedicels glandular hairy. Sepals erect, subligulate, 9-10 × 4-5.6 mm, leathery, subsessile glandular, veins mostly confluent at apex, margin glabrous, apex obtuse. Petals reddish, elliptic, ca. 1.6 × 1 cm, veins many, base narrowed into a claw ca. 3 mm, apex obtuse. Stamens ca. 1.2 cm; filaments subulate. Ovary semi-inferior, ovoid, ca. 6 mm; styles 2, ca. 1 cm. Fl. May-Jun.
* Rock crevices; 2200-3300 m. C Sichuan (Tianquan Xian).
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