49. Parnassia monochoriifolia Franchet, Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 44: 260. 1897.
大叶梅花草 da ye mei hua cao
Stems 2-4, ca. 24 cm, with 1 leaf near middle. Basal leaves petiolate; leaf blade abaxially greenish, adaxially deep green, oblong-ovate, to 7 cm, 7-veined abaxially, base cordate, apex acute. Cauline leaf sessile, semiamplexicaul, similar to basal ones but much smaller. Flower ca. 3 cm in diam.; hypanthium inconspicuous. Sepals unequal, larger ones to 1.2 cm. Petals white, spatulate, base attenuate into a long claw, margin fimbriate with fimbriae capitate at apex, apex rounded. Staminodes 5-lobed, lobes narrowly oblong. Style inconspicuous; stigma spreading.
* NE Yunnan (Yanjin Xian).
The present authors have seen no specimens of this species; the above description is based on the protologue and a photograph of the type specimen.
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