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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 6 | Caryophyllaceae | Cerastium

18. Cerastium falcatum Bunge ex Fenzl, Fl. Ross. 1: 398. 1842.

披针叶卷耳 pi zhen ye juan er

Cerastium maximum Linnaeus var. falcatum Grenier.

Herbs perennial, 15--40 cm tall, sparsely glandular pubescent. Stems ascending or erect. Leaves sessile, lanceolate, 2--6 × 0.2--1 cm, both surfaces and margin pilose, midvein conspicuous, base cuneate, apex acute. Cyme terminal; bracts ovate-lanceolate. Pedicel slender, 2.5--3 cm, glandular pubescent, usually pendent in fruit. Sepals lanceolate, 3--5 mm, glandular pubescent, margin membranous, apex sharply pointed. Petals obovate-oblong, 1.5--2 × as long as sepals, apex 2-lobed. Stamens shorter than petals. Styles 5. Capsule oblong-ovoid, 10-toothed. Seeds brown, reniform-globose, obtusely tuberculate. Fl. May--Aug, fr. Jul--Sep.

Scrub forests, grassy forest margins, mountain slopes, ravines, edges of farmland; 800--2800 m. Gansu, Hebei, Nei Mongol, Shanxi, Xinjiang [Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia].


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