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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 6 | Caryophyllaceae | Silene

70. Silene yetii Bocquet, Candollea. 22: 5. 1967.

腺毛蝇子草 xian mao ying zi cao

Lychnis glandulosa Maximowicz, Fl. Tangut. 83. 1889, not Silene glandulosa Hampe ex Walpers (1842), nor Bertoloni (1884); Melandrium glandulosum (Maximowicz) F. N. Williams.

Herbs perennial, 20--60 cm tall, densely glandular hairy throughout. Principal root vertical, robust, slightly lignified. Stems sparsely caespitose, rarely solitary, erect, robust, simple. Basal leaves oblanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 5--10(--13) × 1--2(--2.5) cm, both surfaces glandular hairy, midvein prominent, base attenuate into long petiole; cauline leaves oblanceolate or lanceolate, 3--5 cm × 5--15 mm, half clasping at base. Inflorescence racemiform, usually 3--5-flowered, rarely more; flowers slightly nutant, erect in late anthesis. Pedicel 5--50 mm; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, 5--7 mm, herbaceous. Calyx campanulate, 1.1--1.5 cm × 6--9 mm, densely glandular hairy, rounded at base, open at apex, slightly inflated in fruit; longitudinal veins dark brown or brown, coherent at calyx teeth, glandular hairy; calyx teeth ovate-triangular, margin membranous, white, ciliate, apex obtuse. Androgynophore 1--1.5 mm. Petals exserted 5--6 mm beyond sepals, violet or pale red; claws nearly cuneate, auricles orbicular, glabrous or sparsely hairy; limbs nearly elliptic, ca. 3 mm, shallowly bifid; lobes narrowly elliptic; coronal scales round, small. Stamens included; filaments hairy. Styles included. Capsule ovoid, 1.2--1.4 cm × 9 mm, shorter than calyx. Seeds gray-brown, reniform, ca. 1 mm, tuberculate. Fl. Jul, fr. Aug.

* Gravelly grasslands, alpine grasslands; 2700--4800(--5000) m. Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang.


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